4 Ways to Travel During Quarantine Without Leaving Home

Staying inside for quarantine can start to make you a little stir crazy and miss the days where you could hop on a plane and go somewhere nice.

But there are other ways to satisfy your travel bug while stuck at home. Here are four ways to travel the world without getting off the couch!

1. Watch YouTube.

YouTube has always been a great way to live vicariously through someone else. With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, there is no better time than now to find a travel vlogger and see the world through their camera lens.

It may not be recent videos but watching different YouTubers document their travels can make you feel like you’re right there with them. Search for your desired destination and see what videos you can find. You’ll be able to watch the entire adventure and be able to take in the sights and sounds with them.

2. Read travel blogs.

If watching videos isn’t your favorite way to pass time, then reading travel blogs is another great way to see the world without leaving your home. Descriptive words and crafted stories can make you not only see and hear but also smell, taste and feel right along with the writer.

There are many bloggers who have traveled to grand destinations and you can go with them just by reading their posts. To get more of a visual, you can research the places mentioned in the writing so you can see what they look like in real life, which will make the feeling of being there even more realistic.

3. Scroll through Instagram.

A simple way to feel like you’re across the world when you’re sitting on your couch is through the world of Instagram. While these pictures may not be of trips others have taken yesterday, the meaning and beauty behind them remain the same.

Search for pictures of specific destinations. You’ll be able to see the sunrise over a mountain range or a field of sunflowers in a different state, or maybe you want to see Rome or Tokyo. There’s a picture out there for every destination. Soon you’ll feel like you’ve seen the whole world through the pictures taken by others.

4. Do research and write your own story.

A fun way to spice things up would be to craft your own story. Maybe you’ve always wanted to go to Paris. Do a little research, watch some videos and look at photos and then write a story as if you’re experiencing it for the first time.

While you may not know every detail of how it would turn out to be, you can use your imagination and make the experience specifically tailored to how you wish it could be. This will make you feel like you’re physically there because you are creating the entire experience.


Don’t let this pandemic make you feel trapped inside. If you have a travel bug stirring inside of you, there’s still a way to experience the world beyond your own home. Watch videos, read blogs and even craft your own story. The world is still open, and you can still experience it!


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